Here’s something for you to ponder …

I and my associates at 4P Business Development would like to wish you all a happy and healthy Christmas. In order that we are able to spend time with our families and recharge our batteries, the office will be closing …

We will close our doors for our Christmas break on Wednesday 20th December and will not be re-opening until Wednesday 3rd January 2018. Something for you to ponder over the Christmas period …


“Recognise the key to your company’s success and how to motivate your staff to get them working together!”


By far the most common problems that arise in my client’s businesses are around people issues. Are you taking the time out to recognise the keys to your company’s success?

The best companies can both retain and promote the right people. They create a development plan to instil the qualities they want to see in all their current and future leaders.

Create a coaching programme to develop your team. However, be careful with a rigid programme, run by ‘by the book’ staff it can sometimes stifle creativity. To avoid this, the coach must challenge and help people to discover their limits on their own. You don’t want someone reaching the executive suite having lost all their creativity and problem-solving skills because ‘that’s the way we’ve always done it here’ do you?

Always seek out opportunities to publicly recognise individuals (of whatever level in your business) for their originality and ability to find unique solutions to problems. By praising a particular behaviour, you’re shining a spotlight on attributes you desire, significantly increasing the likelihood of replication throughout your organisation.

For long-term sustained success, it is vital to assemble leadership teams comprised of individuals who are content on both home and work fronts. If someone isn’t happy outside the office, eventually that will cross over into the workplace.

Who are your rock steady performers? Do you recognise them? Those on your team who seek out and work with the “unicorns” and lead the most profitable business units probably don’t lack in the recognition category. However, the steady, unflappable performer you can depend upon often go unnoticed. Their steadiness doesn’t command attention but it should be recognised.

Business strategy is too often focuses on financials and quarter-to-quarter progress. In defining your company’s less overt drivers and recognising those who lead in those categories, you can create more of a good thing.


“All business is results-oriented and recognition plays a big part in getting those results!”


Merry Christmas from all of us at 4P Business Development and we’ll be back in the new year to offer you more insights into your people, planning, positioning and processes, ultimately leading you to improved profitability.

Until next time …




If you’re looking for a partner to help grow your business, visit to discover how 4P Business Development can help you!