4P Business Development Ltd
4P Business Development Ltd
4P Business Development Ltd
4P Business Development Ltd
4P Business Development Ltd
4P Business Development Ltd
4P Business Development Ltd
4P Business Development Ltd


Working on the Planning, People, Processes and Positioning Creates Profitability

You don’t need a long, tedious business plan …

Have you ever written down and communicated your goals? When you have written goals and objectives in place, you will find that you are able to spend time managing your business …

Write down and communicate your goals and objectives, and plan for continued success!

copyright: 4p business development

Once written down and communicated, you will then be in the best position to make operational decisions based on what you’ve already outlined in your goals and objectives list.


“Do you really need that long, tedious business plan that you have been told you must have?”


Once completed, the likelihood is that you will never look at it again. It will be locked away in a draw and, to be honest, it is of absolutely no use to you whatsoever. It’s out of date as soon as it’s completed.

So what does work and why should you plan? “Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.” A business plan is a tool to aid decision making, it should be a living document that works for you, that is continuously reviewed in light of the business environment and actual performance.


“This enables the business owners to oversee business performance and make informed decisions!”


The strategic planning process is a valuable and exciting exercise that can be a major contributor to team building and a means of developing ownership/commitment to the plan. Involve people because it should end up as ‘our plan’ not ‘their plan imposed on us’.

I work with a three step process beginning with a ‘goals wheel’ culminating with a ‘living’ plan that assists with commitment and continued accountability.

There are various exercises that I can introduce that would be helpful in the planning process:

  • Explore your vision for the future of the business. Take the time to reflect and think of what you aspire to for your life and business in the future. This is the time to be creative, thinking ‘without boundaries’ and exploring exciting opportunities three to five years in advance.

  • Consider your business and the goals you have for the growth/exit for the business. List anything and everything you could possibly want; go on, be brave and dream big!

  • Strategically plan all aspects of your Goals Wheel, listing all the attributes and targets you believe the business must have in order for you to reach your personal and business goals and aspirations. Ensure all targets and goals are S.M.A.R.T.

Working with a Business Mentor on this important aspect of planning is key to the success and implementation of the plan resulting in:

  • Clarity of the goals and targets you have set.

  • Confidence that you have the knowledge skills and competencies to achieve these goals.

  • Motivation to get out of bed and achieve.

  • Accountability ensuring commitment to carry out your plans.

You will have done a lot of work to get this far, understanding your vision and goals with a strategic plan is a great start.

This is when the hard work really begins. You will work tirelessly on your plan and realise that along the way adjustments need to be made and occasionally ideas and goals totally change. I always encourage continuous review and 90 day planning meetings to plan, implement, reflect, review and improve for continued success.


“Why would planning help a business that has a few years of history more than one that is just starting up?”


Some fascinating studies have demonstrated that proper planning can help companies grow at least 30% faster. One study, published in 2010, aggregated research on the business growth of 11,046 companies and found that planning improved business performance.

Interestingly, this same study found that planning benefited existing companies even more than it helped start-ups. But, this study still doesn’t answer the question it raises: “why would planning help a business that has a few years of history more than one that is just starting up?”


The answer (most likely) lies in the fact that existing businesses know a bit more about their customers and what their needs are than a new start-up does. For an existing business, planning involves fewer guesses or assumptions that need to be proven, so the strategies they develop are based on more information.

Another study found that companies that properly plan grow 30% faster than those that don’t plan. This study found that plenty of businesses can find success without planning, but that businesses with a plan grew faster and were more successful than those that didn’t plan.

To reinforce the connection between planning and fast growth, yet another study (last one for today!) found that fast-growing companies that had over 92% growth in sales from one year to the next usually have business plans.


“In fact, 71% of fast-growing companies have plans!”


They create budgets, set sales goals, and document their marketing and sales strategies so my call to action this week is for you to take some time to work on your business to set goals and build a plan for your future.

More importantly, re-visit your plan as you grow and revise it as you learn more about your business and your customers.

And if you’d like a coach to keep you on track, why not call me on 01280 700405 or click here to send me an email enquiry and let’s have a conversation about your goals and objectives to see how I can help you.

Until next time …


PS: The study information in my blog post this week was provided by the Journal of Management Studies.

Let’s get those cogs working together …

One of the first things I teach people who work with me is that comprehensive business goals and objectives are key to the success of any business …

The 4P’s Of Business need goals and objectives to make them work!

copyright: 4p business development

And that’s never more important than when that business is owned by you. So let me ask a couple of easy questions.

Firstly, when did you last actually take the time out of the day job to focus on your end goals for both your business and your personal life? And, just as importantly, are the two concurrent or are they miles apart in respect of timescales and financial requirements?


“That’s the first stage of how I can help you!”


I ask the bloody difficult questions, and then support, encourage and guide you to set those goals, to achieve your aspirations and realise your true potential by holding you accountable.

Once you’ve set your goals and objectives, there are 4P’s that must be developed to get you there. These are planning, people, processes and position.

Get these cogs working together and you will create profitability:

  • Planning

    Have you written down and communicated your goals? When you have written goals and objectives in place, you will find that you are able to spend time managing your business.

    You will then be in the position to make operational decisions based on what you’ve already outlined in your goals and objectives list.

  • People Management

    Do you have the right people in your business? Too many managers employ people to match the job role that is currently in place.

    However, great managers seek the employee with the style and type that suits their business culture, whose skills and talent can redefine how that job is carried out, adding productivity and profitability to the bottom line.

  • Process and Systems

    How efficient is your business? How many tasks could be streamlined or carried out in a more efficient manner? You’ll be surprised at what I discover!

    I will scrutinise your business processes to identify how and where they can be streamlined, whether process order can be improved, if existing tools can be better utilised, and where investment in new systems or equipment can be justified.

  • Positioning

    When did your last review your marketing activity, PR, customer experience, client retention and position in your market?

    Marketing can be defined as the intermediary function between product development and sales. It is the marketing professional’s job to create, manage and enhance brands.

  • Profitability

    Get the 4P’s working together and you will realise productivity and profitability which will move you closer and closer to your goals and objectives for your business and life!

I read a really interesting article in the Guardian recently and thought I would quote a little of it here:


“Business efficiency is crucial to business success, but what is often underestimated is the importance of business owner efficiency, and having a founder who can demonstrate consistency and speed in things like planning, time management and decision-making from day one.

However, when you are caught up in the often chaotic early days of setting up and growing a new business, thinking and acting efficiently may be easier said than done. This is why many business owners engage the services of a business coach.”


My thoughts exactly! And if that resonates with you too, and you’d like to explore working together to set your goals and objectives, optimise your planning, people, processes and position and achieve productivity and profitability then I’d love to talk to you.


“Am I the right person to be your business coach?”


You can learn if working together would be a great idea by calling me on 01280 700405 or you can click here to send me an email enquiry, let’s start a conversation and we can find out.

Until next time …


PS: If you’re looking for a partner to help grow your business, visit to discover how 4P Business Development can help you!

What our clients say

“Kath is just a person you need to know! She can help you on many levels and she helped me as a Mentor and the results were fabulous!”

Raine Hilson


Raine Hilson

“Kath is just a person you need to know! She can help you on many levels and she helped me as a Mentor and the results were fabulous!”
“Kath takes an interest in your business, and is excellent at identifying key areas for development. She’s wonderfully positive, full of enthusiasm and good ideas, and has a huge network of contacts that she shares to create positive outcomes for all involved. I would thoroughly recommend Kath to anyone wanting to develop or grow their business who needs a solid sounding board and progress monitor.”

Sophie Breslin


Sophie Breslin

“Kath takes an interest in your business, and is excellent at identifying key areas for development. She’s wonderfully positive, full of enthusiasm and good ideas, and has a huge network of contacts that she shares to create positive outcomes for all involved. I would thoroughly recommend Kath to anyone wanting to develop or grow their business who needs a solid sounding board and progress monitor.”
“Kath gave us just the encouragement we needed when we started out in business and then continued to be on hand when we needed further advice. Kath understands the needs of small businesses and has a huge network of very useful contacts. She is a firm, no nonsense person and we have great confidence in the excellent service she provides.”

Jeremy Sacha
Sacha Barnes


Jeremy Sacha
Sacha Barnes

“Kath gave us just the encouragement we needed when we started out in business and then continued to be on hand when we needed further advice. Kath understands the needs of small businesses and has a huge network of very useful contacts. She is a firm, no nonsense person and we have great confidence in the excellent service she provides.”
“Kath Bonner-Dunham is the ultimate networker – always on the look-out for how she can help the people with whom she comes into contact. Her entire focus is to help others find the solutions which work for them, and she will go well out of her way to find them the right support. People are drawn to Kath’s commitment, energy and integrity, and I am delighted to recommend her and the services she provides.”

Kate Mercer
Shine Consulting


Kate Mercer
Shine Consulting

“Kath Bonner-Dunham is the ultimate networker – always on the look-out for how she can help the people with whom she comes into contact. Her entire focus is to help others find the solutions which work for them, and she will go well out of her way to find them the right support. People are drawn to Kath’s commitment, energy and integrity, and I am delighted to recommend her and the services she provides.”
“Kath is an amazing woman. Kath can get to the root cause of the ‘blockage’ which is mostly in us. If you thought you were good, you will be 10 times better after meeting Kath.”

Dan Kaye
Smith Kennedy Ltd


Dan Kaye
Smith Kennedy Ltd

“Kath is an amazing woman. Kath can get to the root cause of the ‘blockage’ which is mostly in us. If you thought you were good, you will be 10 times better after meeting Kath.”
“Kath is a superb Business Mentor. She asks perceptive questions that enable her to gain a rapid grasp of the key issues in a business so that she can provide exactly the right resources to support the business in the way that is right for them.”

Elaine Whittaker
Marketing Being


Elaine Whittaker
Marketing Being

“Kath is a superb Business Mentor. She asks perceptive questions that enable her to gain a rapid grasp of the key issues in a business so that she can provide exactly the right resources to support the business in the way that is right for them.”
“I cannot recommend Kath highly enough. I hired Kath to work with us as a business mentor last year and in addition has subsequently been working with our management team and staff on a monthly basis. Kath is an excellent mentor, has great rapport with all our staff who have responded to her advice and mentoring in a very productive and positive way. I am sure that we will continue to use her invaluable services for many years to come.”

Jo Robinson
Indulgence Bespoke Catering


Jo Robinson
Indulgence Bespoke Catering

“I cannot recommend Kath highly enough. I hired Kath to work with us as a business mentor last year and in addition has subsequently been working with our management team and staff on a monthly basis. Kath is an excellent mentor, has great rapport with all our staff who have responded to her advice and mentoring in a very productive and positive way. I am sure that we will continue to use her invaluable services for many years to come.”
“Kath has very good work ethics, she delivers a high standard of coaching and has mentored my staff and I on a specific project with great results.”

Sali Brown
Chelton Brown


Sali Brown
Chelton Brown

“Kath has very good work ethics, she delivers a high standard of coaching and has mentored my staff and I on a specific project with great results.”
“Kath is an inspiring Business Mentor. Selection Matters has been using Kath on ongoing basis for more than two years and she has added real value to our business. She is full of ideas and an expert in her field. I would highly recommend Kath to any business owner who wants to accelerate the growth of their business!”

Izabela Cooper
Selection Matters


Izabela Cooper
Selection Matters

“Kath is an inspiring Business Mentor. Selection Matters has been using Kath on ongoing basis for more than two years and she has added real value to our business. She is full of ideas and an expert in her field. I would highly recommend Kath to any business owner who wants to accelerate the growth of their business!”
"Kath Bonner-Dunham gets results. She has the powerful ability to cut through the distraction, noise, and chaos that beset so many business owners today. Her refreshingly clear communication and straight-to-the-heart approach are a gift to her clients."

Michael C. Cody
My Coaches Coach


Michael C. Cody
My Coaches Coach

"Kath Bonner-Dunham gets results. She has the powerful ability to cut through the distraction, noise, and chaos that beset so many business owners today. Her refreshingly clear communication and straight-to-the-heart approach are a gift to her clients."
“Kath is a very personal Business Mentor who has provided us with valuable information and contacts. Kath is very reliable and always ready to answer any questions we may have for her. She has a wealth of knowledge regarding marketing and business development idea’s and has really pushed our company in the right direction. Her enthusiasm and drive is really inspiring and she has played an important role in helping our venture become a reality.”

Bryony Brice
Betty Brice


Bryony Brice
Betty Brice

“Kath is a very personal Business Mentor who has provided us with valuable information and contacts. Kath is very reliable and always ready to answer any questions we may have for her. She has a wealth of knowledge regarding marketing and business development idea’s and has really pushed our company in the right direction. Her enthusiasm and drive is really inspiring and she has played an important role in helping our venture become a reality.”
“Kath is a dynamic, inventive and challenging business coach able to adapt her style to suit her client’s needs and their preferred way of working. With Kath’s help I was able to push aside limiting beliefs that were holding me back and form a clearer vision of what I want for my business and myself. I now have a game plan in place and am working steadily to put it into place.”

Lesley Long
Women Go Wild Outdoors


Lesley Long
Women Go Wild Outdoors

“Kath is a dynamic, inventive and challenging business coach able to adapt her style to suit her client’s needs and their preferred way of working. With Kath’s help I was able to push aside limiting beliefs that were holding me back and form a clearer vision of what I want for my business and myself. I now have a game plan in place and am working steadily to put it into place.”
“Kath worked with me over a period of time as a Coach to help me get my business back on track after I had decided to part company with my Business Partner. Kath was very good at helping me to see the way forward myself and to understand what I had to do and why. Anyone wishing to build a successful business would find Kath’s help and skills a golden opportunity to help them succeed. She is highly recommended.”

Rona Cant
Explorer, Author & International Speaker


Rona Cant
Explorer, Author & International Speaker

“Kath worked with me over a period of time as a Coach to help me get my business back on track after I had decided to part company with my Business Partner. Kath was very good at helping me to see the way forward myself and to understand what I had to do and why. Anyone wishing to build a successful business would find Kath’s help and skills a golden opportunity to help them succeed. She is highly recommended.”
“Kath listened to my situation and gave me some surprising suggestions. Although I was well qualified, with an MSc and an MBA, Kath pointed out that my sales and marketing knowledge was practically non-existent. Kath is exactly the kind of Business Mentor I needed – straight talking and not afraid to tell uncomfortable truths. It is precisely this style that produces the brilliant results Kath gets for her clients. In summary, if you want results, not platitudes, go to Kath.”

Sue Priest


Sue Priest

“Kath listened to my situation and gave me some surprising suggestions. Although I was well qualified, with an MSc and an MBA, Kath pointed out that my sales and marketing knowledge was practically non-existent. Kath is exactly the kind of Business Mentor I needed – straight talking and not afraid to tell uncomfortable truths. It is precisely this style that produces the brilliant results Kath gets for her clients. In summary, if you want results, not platitudes, go to Kath.”
"Marshes know, like and trust Kath and have benefited immensely from her wisdom, experience, and encouragement. If you're looking for a professional, personal and honest intervention that will help kick your business into its next vital stage of development then arrange to meet with Kath."

Phil Cockayne & Danny Jones


Phil Cockayne & Danny Jones

"Marshes know, like and trust Kath and have benefited immensely from her wisdom, experience, and encouragement. If you're looking for a professional, personal and honest intervention that will help kick your business into its next vital stage of development then arrange to meet with Kath."
“Kath is a highly committed and energetic Business Mentor with a strong focus on providing a high quality client service. Armed with a wide ranging support and resources she is well placed to support the needs of SME’s.”

Bernard Goodchild


Bernard Goodchild

“Kath is a highly committed and energetic Business Mentor with a strong focus on providing a high quality client service. Armed with a wide ranging support and resources she is well placed to support the needs of SME’s.”
“Kath’s support has meant we have many more business ideas and avenues to explore and her input has been motivational, relevant and very insightful. For anyone looking for some sound business advice, I would recommend Kath very highly indeed.”

Duncan Cooper
Selection Matters


Duncan Cooper
Selection Matters

“Kath’s support has meant we have many more business ideas and avenues to explore and her input has been motivational, relevant and very insightful. For anyone looking for some sound business advice, I would recommend Kath very highly indeed.”
“In few words Kath is a highly motivated, professional and results driven mentor with great experience and know how. A must for all business people in need of mentoring/coaching to get the best out of you. I recommend her enthusiasm and warmth to anyone looking to improve their management skills.”

Alan Cooper
Westmoreland Mechanical Testing and Research Ltd


Alan Cooper
Westmoreland Mechanical Testing and Research Ltd

“In few words Kath is a highly motivated, professional and results driven mentor with great experience and know how. A must for all business people in need of mentoring/coaching to get the best out of you. I recommend her enthusiasm and warmth to anyone looking to improve their management skills.”
“Kath is a skilled and experienced Business Coach, Mentor and Adviser who will always go the extra mile to bring value to her clients.”

Charles Briggs
CMC Partnership


Charles Briggs
CMC Partnership

“Kath is a skilled and experienced Business Coach, Mentor and Adviser who will always go the extra mile to bring value to her clients.”

Are you a business owner with a passion and desire to grow your business?

To discuss your specific requirements and to arrange a diagnostic meeting, contact us today.