Employing the wrong candidate could be a disaster …
Recruiting the right people is all important if you want to build a successful business. We use Personal Profile Analysis to identify the right roles for each individual and recommend ways to retain, motivate and develop them …
Personal Profile Analysis can help you recruit the right people!
Copyright of 4p business development
The more you know your people, the more you can effectively control and manage your business. Our techniques and tools allow us to develop deep insights about your team, where their skills lie and what engages and motivates them to work at their best.
“When you truly know your team, you can adapt your communication style to ensure it is received in the best way to deliver results!”
At 4P Business Development, we use a number of different personal profiling tools. I’m an accredited and qualified practitioner in Personal Profiling through Thomas International.
Used by over 5,000 UK businesses, the Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) takes less than 10 minutes and is based on multiple choice questions.
Now you may wonder what you can reveal about a person in that time, but you’ll be quite surprised on what you can see when you shine a light on someone’s psyche.
In her article for the Telegraph, Olivia Goldhill said the following about taking a PPA:
“Before the test, I had strong doubts that a multiple-choice quiz could shine any light on my complex inner psyche. Seven minutes and one report later, I don’t seem so inscrutable after all.
The PPA itself was an underwhelming experience, made up of 24 questions that asked me to choose which of four adjectives most and least describe my behaviour in the workplace.
One question asked me to choose between good mixer, cultured, vigorous and lenient, while another included jovial, precise, courageous and even-tempered.
As any one of these adjectives could apply to me in different situations, I soon ended up clicking through rapidly without giving my answers much thought.
I did not expect to receive a seven-page report, with a more accurate and insightful portrayal of my behaviour than my own mother could give.”
Simple, yet revealing!
If you hire people just because they can do a job, they’ll work for your money. But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they’ll work for you with their blood, sweat and tears.
But also remember, the cost of having the wrong person in the team is too high; in fact, it can become a complete disaster. Don’t leave it down to fate, let my team and I help develop your people and drive your growth.
Further Reading about Personal Profile Analysis:
If you would like to find out more about Personal Profile Analysis or if you feel this process would help you in your business to build and develop a great team, do call me on 01280 700405 or click here to send me an email and let’s see how we can help you.
Until next time …
PS: |
If you’re looking for a partner to help grow your business, visit www.4pbusinessdevelopment.co.uk to discover how 4P Business Development can help you! |