Do you want to achieve your strategy?

Business owners will spend hours telling me that they have a plan, they have goals and that they are all set for a good year ahead. However, when I start questioning them, asking those BDQ’s I am well known for, I find that there is little or a total lack of strategic intent …

Strategic intent is the difference between achieving your goals and never finding success!

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So what exactly is Strategic intent? Well …

  • STRATEGY: The first confusion is the difference between strategy and tactics. All too often, business people call everything they are doing in order to achieve their goals their strategy, in fact, most of these activities are tactics.

    Your strategy is your driving goal, whereas tactics are the right things that you will do in order to turn your goal into reality and will always connect to your companies driving purpose and mission.

  • INTENT: This is nothing more than driving a goal, purpose or passion that you are motivated to achieve at a level of excellence.

    You will not only be responsible for identifying the correct things that will assist you to execute on a plan, you are also accountable for identifying the right things that will enable you to excel.

Take time to learn how to fulfil your intent and ask yourself critical questions on a regular basis:

  • How can I be sure that I will achieve the greatest positive results?

  • Have I taken time to define a good solid strategy?

  • How do I ensure that I am focussing on the right tactics to achieve the strategy?

  • Is what I am doing right now on the right track for me to achieve my strategic intent?

  • Do I really “Intend” to achieve these goals?

  • Am I committed?

  • Is my Business Strategic Intent aligned and in correlation with to my personal strategic intent?

  • Do I have the correct Planning, People, Processes and Positioning in place?

When you are absolutely certain that you have identified your strategic intent, you will then be ready to begin to discover whether you are doing the right things to support that intent.

Use a reflection model to regularly evaluate what you are doing and how that is supporting your strategic intent, make changes accordingly.

Some people achieve extraordinary things in life, others don’t and struggle through life never quite finding success. The difference between the two is the lack of strategic intent and a lack of accountability.


“Would you like to know more?


To find out more about upping your level of strategic intent, do call me on 01280 700405 or click here to ping me an email and let’s see how I can help you.

Until next time …




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